Israel-Gaza War, UNRWA, Humanitarian Aid

Foreign Ministry: World Food Programme Main Candidate to Replace UNRWA

The Israeli Foreign Ministry has drawn up a list of potential candidates to replace the functioned previously served by UNRWA, after employees of the latter were found to have participated in October 7.

(Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

The Foreign Ministry is preparing a plan for "the day after" the war in Gaza ends which ensures UNRWA does not take part in the administration of aid and services to Gaza residents, according to Ynet.

Per the report, the Foreign Ministry has considered a number of possible alternatives to replace UNRWA, which is now disqualified because of revelations that some of its employees took part in October 7 and many more have substantial ties to terrorist groups.

The main candidate to replace UNRWA is the World Food Programme, followed by USAID and other agencies, and possibly countries which set up their own designated agency.

The Foreign Ministry effort aligns with Prime Minister Netanyahu's insistence that UNRWA cannot continue to be part of the post-war solution. However, the Biden administration, despite its temporary suspension of funding to UNRWA over October 7, continues to view their work as "critical."

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is set to visit the region this week and intends to emphasize the importance of humanitarian aid in Gaza. The subject of UNRWA is likely to be a top subject in meetings with Israeli leaders.

UNRWA World Food Programme Hamas Gaza Humanitarian aid Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yisrael Katz


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