Israel At War

"They beheaded him": The Father of the Soldier who was Murdered in a Harsh Testimony

The father of the late soldier Sergeant Adir Tahar z"l, told about the abuse of his son's body by the terrorist organization Hamas in the attack of October 7: "One of the terrorists tried to sell his head for 10 thousand dollars".

Sergeant Adir Tahar z"l (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

The father of the late Sergeant Adir Tahar z"l provided a harrowing testimony on Tuesday evening on Channel 14's "The Patriots" program about the brutality of the Hamas terrorist organization, which murdered his son in a surprise attack on October 7th.

"The terrorists abused his body; they beheaded him and took his head to Gaza. One of the terrorists tried to sell his head for $10,000. It's just barbaric on an insane level. I received his body without a head. For almost two and a half months, I turned the world upside down to find out where the head was. I insisted with the army to see the body. At some point, we lose faith," the grieving father recounted.

"I identified him by the discs (Army Tags) on his shoes and through DNA testing. When we buried him, I knew I was burying my child without the main part, and then the journey to search for the missing part began. I saw a video on Telegram and found the video of my son, and in it, I saw my son without a head.

Three weeks ago, the Shin Bet, during an investigation of two terrorists arrested in Israel, managed to understand that one of the terrorists tried to sell the head for $10,000. Special forces, along with an Armored unit, entered the center of Gaza, Palestine Square, inside an ice cream shop's freezer, inside a side bag with tennis balls in it, was my son's head. They managed to bring back what was left, and we buried it.".

Sergeant Adir Tahar z"l testimony Bereaved families Israel at war IDF Israel's fallen soldiers fallen soldier murdered Barbaric October 7th Beheading Simchat Torah Massacre


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