Israel At War

Jerusalem: Went Out to Play in the Yard and Found Rocket Debris

In Ashkelon, a person was seriously injured after coming into contact with a shrapnel piece that fell from a rocket that was intercepted. Police emphasize not to touch rocket debris, as it may contain explosive material, and to report any incidents.

The rocket found (Photo: Police Spokesperson)

The policemen of the Zion area in the Jerusalem district were called during the last hour to two places in the city where the remains of rockets from a rocket barrage that was fired at the Jerusalem area last Friday afternoon, were found.

In one case, it is about remains that were found in the yard of a kindergarten by the person in charge there, before the children were supposed to go out and play there. In the other case, a rocket remnant was found at a development work site in the city center. Policemen who arrived at the scene, kept those present away, in favor of professional treatment by the Jerusalem district bomb disposal unit, who handled the items and took them away from the scene.

In addition, a person was seriously injured in an explosion that occurred yesterday (Saturday) in the city of Ashkelon. During an investigation by the Israel Police's sabotage unit, it emerged that the source of the explosion was an explosive item that fell to the ground as a result of an intercepted rocket, which was, apparently touched by the victim in good faith.

The police emphasize that it is absolutely forbidden to touch, press on the front part, approach, pick up, or shake any rocket item or unidentified object, for the fear that it may contain explosive material and there is a real danger to human life. Stay away from the place, keep others away, and report to the police immediately.

rocket Israel at war Israel Ashkelon Jerusalem Rockets


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