
Israel At War
Jerusalem: Went Out to Play in the Yard and Found Rocket Debris

In Ashkelon, a person was seriously injured after coming into contact with a shrapnel piece that fell from a rocket that was intercepted. Police emphasize not to touch rocket debris, as it may contain explosive material, and to report any incidents.

JFeed Staff | 17.12.23

Rocket Hit, Heavy Destruction

Watch: Heavy Destruction from a Rocket Hit at the Biranit Base in the North

Hezbollah fired a Burkan rocket this morning at the Biranit base on the northern border. The rocket that contains hundreds of kilograms of explosives caused a lot of destruction in the light structures of the base. Watch.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 20.11.23

A Rocket Towards Eilat

Unusual Shooting from Gaza: Hamas Launched a Rocket Towards Eilat

Sirens were heard in the Arava settlements after Hamas claimed to have launched an "Ayyash" rocket towards Eilat. The IDF spokesperson stated that the launch was intercepted by the "Arrow" system.

JFeed | 04.11.23

Direct Hit

A Rocket Hit a Factory in Ashkelon, No Casualties

Sirens were heard in Ashkelon and Ashdod, and Magen David Adom (MDA) teams were dispatched to search areas where falls were reported. In the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council, it was reported that shrapnel was found on the roof of a house in one of the communities, with no casualties or damage.

JFeed | 30.10.23

Rocket Fired from Jenin

Again: Palestinians tried to fire a rocket from Jenin, the launch failed

The IDF confirmed that an attempt was made to launch an improvised rocket from Jenin towards the settlement of Shaked in northern Samaria, when the forces located the remains of the rocket and the launcher. Following the incident, a hunt was launched for the suspects

JFeed | 15.08.23