Elimination of the Terrorists

Resident of Ofra who went on Vacation from Gaza Killed the Terrorists

Roy, a Golani Patrol fighter resident of Ofra, went on a refresher vacation from Gaza and came across the scene of the shooting attack in Jerusalem. He charged at the terrorists and killed them both, being slightly injured in his hand.

(Photo: Chaim Goldberg / Flash 90)

The shooting attack in Jerusalem. A fighter in the Golani patrol who was on leave from operations in Gaza is the one who killed the two terrorists in the attack at the entrance to the city.

Roy, a resident of the settlement of Ofra, went for a short break and on the way reached the hitchhiking area in Givat Shaul in Jerusalem. He attacked the two terrorists and eliminated them when in the fight he was injured in his hand. He is described as slightly injured and his condition is stable.

Click here
Documentation of the shooting attack in Jerusalem

The head of Binyamin Council, Israel Ganz: "Roy, a resident of the settlement of Ofra in Binyamin, was injured in the attack in Jerusalem. A Golani patrol soldier who went home for a break. He immediately made contact, eliminated the terrorists and prevented more severe consequences."

His name for prayers: Roy ben Michal - for complete healing.

Another injured person is Rabbi Avidan Moshe ben Mina who was wounded in the leg by a gunshot.

Israel Ganz Ofra shooting attack


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