
Elimination of the Terrorists
Resident of Ofra who went on Vacation from Gaza Killed the Terrorists

Roy, a Golani Patrol fighter resident of Ofra, went on a refresher vacation from Gaza and came across the scene of the shooting attack in Jerusalem. He charged at the terrorists and killed them both, being slightly injured in his hand.

JFeed | 30.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, Judea and Samaria

Terrorist Armed With Knife Arrives at Ofra Gate, Flees

A terrorist armed with a knife approached the gate of the settlement of Ofra and fled after security forces opened fire on him.

| JFeed | 07.11.23

Car Accident Near Ofra

Route 60: seriously injured in a car accident near Ofra

A Palestinian was seriously injured in a traffic accident near the Ofer settlement. He was transported to Shaare Zedek Hospital while unconscious and intubated

JFeed | 28.09.23