Israel-Gaza War, Likud, Binyamin Netanyahu

Voters In and Out of Likud Sharply Divided on Netanyahu's Party Successor

A new poll shows who people across the political spectrum want to see replace Binyamin Netanyahu once he leaves the stage, with no clear answer.

Who goes in when he goes out? Answers are divided. (Photo: Haim Goldberg, Flash90)

Most voters across the Israeli political spectrum agree that Binyamin Netanyahu is at the end of his political career. They are far more split on who should replace him as leader of the Likud Party.

A new poll published on the Maariv website asked this question of all voters and voters of specific parties and camps, with very mixed results and no clear leader.

Regarding the question of who should replace Netanyahu in the Likud, this is how voters responded:

All voters: Yossi Cohen – 21%, Gideon Saar – 13%, Yoav Gallant – 12%, Nir Barkat – 11%, None of the Above – 23%, Don’t Know – 20%.

Likud voters: Yossi Cohen – 26%, Nir Barkat – 26%, Yoav Gallant – 17%, Gideon Saar – 5%, None of the Above – 15%, Don’t Know.

Center-Left Voters: Gideon Saar – 23%, Yossi Cohen – 21%, Yoav Gallant – 14%, Nir Barkat – 7%, None of the Above – 23%, Don’t Know – 12%.

Binyamin Netanyahu Simchat Torah Massacre Likud Operation Swords of Iron Polls


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