
Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal
Shas announces full-throated support for hostage deal

While Smotrich and Ben Gvir's parties oppose the deal and Likud is divided, Aryeh Deri's Shas announced complete support for a deal, saying it fulfills the commandment of redeeming captives.

Avi Woolf | 04.06.24


Former Foreign Minister David Levy dies at 86

The former carpenter from the northern city of Beit She'an rose to political prominence to serve as Foreign Minister and Deputy Foreign Minister.

Simcha Raz, JFeed Staff | 02.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

Likud on Gantz's move for early elections: A prize for Sinwar

Likud on the State Camp's efforts to disperse the Knesset: "In the midst of war, Israel needs unity and not division."

Avi Woolf | 30.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Elections

Lapid and Likud respond to Gantz's call for elections in September

Lapid says that six months is too long to wait for elections, while Likud calls Gantz's call "petty politics."

Avi Woolf | 03.04.24

Israel-Gaza War, US-Israel Relations

Netanyahu strikes back at Schumer: New elections mean losing the war - which we won't allow

Without naming him specifically, the Prime Minister spoke of false accusations made against "the IDF, the government, and the head of the government" with the aim of stopping the war now.

Avi Woolf | 17.03.24

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

Likud responds to Schumer's call for new elections in Israel: "We are not a banana republic"

The Likud also stated that "contrary to Schumer's statement, the Israeli public supports complete victory over Hamas."

Avi Woolf | 14.03.24

Meron Disaster

Yinon Magal reveals Sarah Netanyahu involved in Likud response dismissing Meron commission report

Magal revealed this information on his Channel 14 show "The Patriots."

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 06.03.24

Meron Disaster, Likud

Likud party disavows responsibility for Meron Disaster

The Likud party has officially responded to the State Commission of Inquiry's report on the Meron disaster, which held then-Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Public Security Minister Amir Ohana personally responsible, by calling it "political."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 06.03.24

Avigdor Liberman, Israel-Gaza War

Liberman to Likud members: "Replace Netanyahu, we have your back"

Head of Yisrael Beytenu Avigdor Liberman has a surprising proposal for Likud MKs: "Replace Netanyahu as Prime Minister and I promise to provide you a safety net."

gila isaacson, JFeed Staff | 04.03.24


Gallant tells party members: "I was in Likud and I'm staying"

The Defense Minister also defended his stance on the draft, saying it's about math, not politics.

JFeed Staff | 03.03.24

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

New Poll: Likud Still Foundering, Strengthening Slightly Under Barkat

A new poll shows Likud under Netanyahu continuing to poll in the mid-teens, moving into the twenties under Economy Minister Nir Barkat.

JFeed Staff | 21.01.24

Politics, Labor Party

Labor Party Chair to Resign From Knesset, Primaries in Four Months

Labor Party Chair Merav Michaeli announced her resignation from the Knesset and the holding of party primaries in four months, after significant pressure from party members.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 07.12.23

Israel-Gaza War, Likud, Binyamin Netanyahu

Voters In and Out of Likud Sharply Divided on Netanyahu's Party Successor

A new poll shows who people across the political spectrum want to see replace Binyamin Netanyahu once he leaves the stage, with no clear answer.

JFeed | 18.11.23

The Largest Party

Transformation | New mandate survey: this is the largest party in the Knesset

A new poll of mandates shows that after many months, the Likud party is once again becoming the largest party in the Knesset. Yair Lapid continues to lose mandates, and the religious Zionist party drops to just 9 mandates

JFeed | 26.09.23

"Encourages Gratuitous Hatred"

Likud: "Gantz encourages gratuitous hatred with his silence"

After the leader of the National Unity party referred to the Yom Kippur events in Dizengoff Square and struck the prime minister, the Likud replied to Gantz: "Refuses to condemn attackers of worshipers"

JFeed | 26.09.23

The Likud Party in Jerusalem

The list of the Likud party in Jerusalem was revealed

The Likud party faction in Jerusalem submitted its list to the city council. At the top of the list will stand the former Deputy Mayor, Yael Antebi, followed by the social activist Elad Vazana

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 21.09.23

Protest Within The Likud

Protest within the Likud: "Peace without ceding territories"

Before the meeting with Biden, a line of Likud members in a letter to Netanyahu: "We congratulate the Prime Minister on his journey that we all hope will bring normalization and peace with Saudi Arabia, without giving up homeland territories."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

"The Reform is Alive"

Boaz Bismuth: "Netanyahu's clarification was completely unnecessary"

MK Boaz Bismuth clarifies in an interview with Srugim that the legal legislation will continue, even without agreement with the opposition: "The reform is alive, and its purpose is to balance between authorities"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 19.09.23

Yes Atid Answers the Likud

Yes Atid answers the Likud: "The people are the sovereign, not the government"

After the Likud issued a statement against the Supreme Court judges, Yesh Atid retorted: "The people are the authority, not the government." The opposition party added and emphasized: "Another proof that the ruling party has lost its commitment to democratic values"

JFeed | 12.09.23

"A Red Line That Must Not be Crossed"

Likud responds to the High Court: "a red line that must not be crossed"

Likud issued a statement during the ongoing discussion in the Supreme Court (High Court of Justice), once again clarifying their strong stance before the judges. The Likud emphasized, "If the court annuls this fundamental law, it will undermine the foundation of democracy"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23