Naftali Bennet gave an interview this evening (Thursday) for Channel 13 news with Hila Korach. Korach confronted him with things he said just before he left the Prime Minister’s Office: that Hamas was deterred, that he was proud for allowing in workers from Gaza again, some of whom helped in planning the murderous action two weeks ago.
Korach asked Bennet how responsible he was for the failure leading to the massacre. At first, Bennet said he would love to see where he said such things and when he was presented with the facts, he answered: “There is responsibility, I blew it big time.”
“I hand over a quiet and flourishing south and a deterred Hamas”
Before leaving the Prime Minister’s office, he tweeted a summary of his time in office on June 22, 2022:
“After a year, I hand back a quiet and flourishing south, a deterred Hamas, a peak of absorption of families in Sderot and the region. We changed the reality from end to end. From fire and terror – to growth and quiet.”
Regarding the Arab workers, Bennet added “For the first time in years, I allowed Gazan workers to enter Israel, on condition there is quiet. For years, the previous Prime Minister feared to do so, apparently for fear of criticism from the right and also due to the opposition of some of the defense organs.”