Donalt Trump, Chuck Schumer, Palestinians

Trump accuses Schumer of going full Palestinian

Following similar remark about Biden, former President now goes after the Senate Majority Leader. 

Donald Trump (Photo: Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock)

Donald Trump criticized Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, stating that he has "become Palestinian," a remark reminiscent of his debate comments about Joe Biden, as reported by Arutz 7.

Speaking at a campaign rally on Friday, Trump said, "Look at a guy like Senator Schumer. I've known him a long time. I come from New York. He's become a Palestinian. He's a Palestinian now. Congratulations."

"He was very loyal to Israel and to Jewish people," Trump continued. "He's Jewish, but he's become a Palestinian, because they have a couple more votes or something."

Donald Trump Chuck Schumer Palestinians


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