Israel-Gaza War, Antisemitism, Dua Lipa

Glastonbury faces backlash for disgraceful displays of antisemitism

It could have been a fun festival to be enjoyed by all; instead it was a hotbed of hate. Welcome to 2024.

Glastonbury Festival. (Photo: Shutterstock / Benny Hawes)

The 2024 Glastonbury Festival, one of Britain's most prestigious music events, has come under fire for prominently displaying Palestinian flags and promoting what many attendees argue is divisive and antisemitic content.

Yisrael HaYom reported that this year's festival has drawn criticism for spreading false claims about Israel and encouraging a prevalent atmosphere of antisemitism and Jew hatred, both unfortunate and unacceptable at what should have been a fun apolitical festival

Reports indicate that headliner Dua Lipa, who has shown support for the pro-Palestine group Artists4Ceasefire, performed with Palestinian flags visible in the crowd. Last month, Lipa reshared an image to her 88 million Instagram followers with the hashtag #AllEyesOnRafah, condemning Israel's actions in Gaza and labeling them as "genocide," as reported by Daily Jang.

Other artists, such as Charlotte Church and Blur's Damon Albarn, also expressed solidarity with Palestine. During an intimate and politically charged performance, Church sang "Free Palestine" while wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional Arab headdress symbolizing Palestinian identity. She dedicated her performance to the people of Palestine, emphasizing the suffering of mothers and children.

Throughout the festival, Palestinian flags were a common sight, and a "Palestine" stall sold badges depicting Israel replaced by the Palestinian flag. Critics on social media have pointed out the absence of tributes to the victims of the October 7 terror attacks in Israel, where hundreds were murdered by Hamas terrorists at the Nova music festival. One Twitter user highlighted this imbalance, questioning if the flag-wavers at Glastonbury considered the young victims of the Nova attack.

The festival's political atmosphere was further intensified by a leaflet-making class, allowing protesters to create and distribute their own materials. This initiative sparked further debate about the festival's focus, with some attendees lamenting that Glastonbury had shifted from a music event to a platform for political propaganda.

The backlash has led some fans to call for Somerset Council to revoke Glastonbury's license, accusing the festival of "celebrating terrorism." Others have expressed their intentions to boycott future events, disheartened by the festival's perceived departure from its musical roots.


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