war in the south

"Store Food and Water"
Home Front Command: "Store food and water for 72 hours throughout the country"

The Home Front Command has issued exceptional guidelines for the public and called for the collection of dry food and water that will allow residents to stay in a protected space for 72 hours. All the details

JFeed | 09.10.23

12 More Fallen Soldiers

The names of 12 more soldiers who were killed were allowed to be published

JFeed | 09.10.23

Without Warning

Netanyahu received a warning from Egypt? The Prime Minister denies

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23

Destruction in Gaza 

Gaza is being destroyed: watch the Air Force strikes

JFeed | 09.10.23

The Attack Continues

The attack continues: the IDF bombards the Al-Furqan neighborhood

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23

Exchange of Fire in Zikim

Report: Heavy exchange of fire with terrorists in Kibbutz Zikim

JFeed | 09.10.23

Netanyahu States

Netanyahu: "What Hamas will go through will be difficult and terrible"

Bentzi Rubin, Liran Vainshtain, JFeed | 09.10.23

2 Suspects Arrested in Jerusalem

With a kippah and a knife: detectives arrested 2 suspects near a synagogue

JFeed | 08.10.23

At the Scene

Watch: General David Zini at the scene of the elimination of dozens of terrorists

JFeed | 08.10.23

"My Son was Killed"

Former minister Yizhar Shai announced: My son was killed in Kerem Shalom

JFeed | 08.10.23


30 kidnapped by the Islamic Jihad, many more by Hamas

JFeed | 08.10.23

"It's Time for War"

The Chief of Staff in his first statement: "It's time for war"

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 08.10.23

"Aid is On the Way"

Biden: "Aid is on the way" The largest aircraft carrier in the world is coming to Israel

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 08.10.23

Gantz: A Wartime Cabinet

Gantz: Ready to discuss entering the government and forming a wartime cabinet

JFeed | 08.10.23

Air Force: Over 180 Sorties

Air Force: over 180 sorties to evacuate over 180 wounded

JFeed | 08.10.23

"Return as Soon as Possible"

National Security Headquarters : We call on those staying in Egypt and Sinai to return as soon as possible

JFeed | 08.10.23

Border Police Rescued Civilians 

Watch: Border Police fighters eliminated terrorists and rescued civilians

JFeed | 08.10.23

Lieberman: "Will Join the Government"

Lieberman: I will join the government without any conditions

JFeed | 08.10.23

Unconditional Support for Israel

Netanyahu talked to world leaders: Israel's right to defend itself

JFeed | 08.10.23

5 Fallen Members of the Shin Bet

The Shin Bet publishes the names of 5 fallen members of the organization

JFeed | 08.10.23
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