
Weather Forecast
The weather is going crazy; Heavy heat load and rain: weather forecast for the weekend

The weather in the coming days will be hot and dry. There will be a noticeable rise in temperatures, and heat will dominate throughout the country. On Sunday, there will be localized showers. Weather forecast

JFeed | 08.09.23

Weather Forecast

The weather is extreme; when will the relief come: weather forecast

JFeed | 07.09.23

Weather Forecast

Extreme heat wave; strong winds and haze: weather forecast

JFeed | 04.09.23

Weather Forecast

Fickle weather | heat wave and cloudy; Weather Forecast

JFeed | 31.08.23

Weather Forecast for the Weekend

The heat will increase; And when will the peak come? Weather Forecast

JFeed | 17.08.23

Weather Forecast

After the relief; This is what is expected to happen: Weather forecast

JFeed | 16.08.23

Weather Forecast

Madness: extreme heat wave, rain and thunder: weather forecast for the coming week

JFeed | 13.08.23

Intense Heat and Rain

Crazy weather: Intense heatwave and rain: weather forecast

JFeed | 10.08.23

Weather Forecast

The heatwave has come to an end; this is what is to be expected: weather forecast

JFeed | 03.08.23