
Weather Forecast
A sharp change | Colder than usual and rain: weather forecast for the coming week

The weather this week will be colder than usual for the season. There will be a significant drop in temperatures and local rains will fall in some areas of the country. Weather forecast for the coming week

JFeed | 30.09.23

Weekend Weather Forecast

Change: Temperature drop; Rain and Flooding: Weekend Weather Forecast

JFeed | 29.09.23

Weather Forecast

Partly cloudy; The rain may return: weather forecast

JFeed | 18.09.23

Weather Forecast

A change, Drop in temperature; Wind and rain: weather forecast for the coming week

JFeed | 09.09.23

Rain in Haifa

Crazy weather: torrential rain in Haifa at the end of August

JFeed | 28.08.23

Weather Forecast for the Weekend

The heat will increase; And when will the peak come? Weather Forecast

JFeed | 17.08.23