The meteorological service

Weather Forecast
After the Rain; This is what is Expected to Happen: Weather Forecast

After several rainy days the weather will calm down a bit. The rain will decrease and local rains are expected throughout the country. Strong winds will blow. Weather Forecast.

| JFeed Staff | 13.12.23

Weather Forecast

Towards a Stormy Day: Rain, Winds and Thunder: Weather Forecast

The winter weather will intensify in the next day. The rains will become heavier and they will be accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds. There is a fear of flooding. Weather Forecast

JFeed Staff | 12.12.23

Weather Forecast

Crazy Week: Haze, Thunderstorms and Rain. Weather Forecast for the Coming Week

Weather in the coming week will be changeable. It will begin with an increase in temperature and haze, when later rains will fall accompanied by thunderstorms. Weather forecast for the coming week.

JFeed | 02.12.23

Weather Forecast

The Rain has Weakened; The First Storm is on the Way: Weather Forecast

Weather will be unchanged in temperatures. The rain will continue but will weaken a little. At the beginning of the week, the first storm of the season is expected. Weather Forecast.

JFeed | 15.11.23

"Absolute Prohibition"

Warning ahead of the approaching weather: "Absolute prohibition"

In anticipation of the expected extreme heatwave until Friday, the Nature and Parks Authority issues a warning to hikers: "Due to the conditions, hiking trails may be closed"

JFeed | 28.09.23