Rabbi Shlomo Aviner

Charedim, IDF, Opinion
All must serve, but not by force / Rabbi Shlomo Aviner

Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, a major religious Zionist Rabbi, explains the importance of both universal military service, and why coercion is not the way to get there.

Rabbi Shlomo Aviner | 15.02.24

Jewish World

In Uniform: Rabbi Shlomo Aviner Encourages Army Rabbinate Soldiers

Rabbi Aviner received a briefing from Lt.-Col. (res.) Rabbi Shmuel Yorman, from the Jewish Consciousness and IDF Fighting Spirit unit.

JFeed | 17.10.23

Rabbi Shlomo Aviner

Rabbi Aviner on the ancient custom: "It has no source"

Rabbi Shlomo Aviner was asked about the custom of saying the Tikkun HaKlali contains ten chapters of Psalms, and he replied: "There is no ancient source for this."

JFeed | 22.09.23