Oslo Accords

Israel-Gaza War, 2-State Solution
Smotrich demands: Israel must not give an inch

Smotrich threatened that any unilateral steps towards the creation of a Palestinian state would result in Israel unilaterally cancelling the Oslo Accords and dissolving the Palestinian Authority.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 19.02.24

Israel At War, Avigdor Lieberman 

Lieberman: "The Oslo Accords experiment is over and done with"

Chairman of Yisrael Beiteinu Avigdor Lieberman, claimed that the Oslo Accords have no meaning and that the control of Area-A should be transferred to Jordan: "Two states for two peoples and the transfer of control of Gaza to Abu Mazen - those are illusions".

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 01.12.23

Oslo Accords Protocols Exposed

Serious security problems: the protocols of the Oslo Accords are exposed

With the expiration of the censorship, the State released the government meeting protocols in which the Oslo Accords were approved. From the documents, it is evident that the participants expressed their concern about the security risks inherent in the agreement

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 30.08.23