
What is really behind the persecution of the Zionist ultra-Orthodox rabbis?

The liberal public has created in its imagination a terrifying creature with which it fights and has placed it within a convenient definition called 'Hardalim,' (Zionist ultra-Orthodox) which allows for non-substantive confrontation, while demonizing and generalizing

Rabbi Shimon Ben Shaya | 11.09.23

Judiasm's Approach to Suicide

Rabbi, is it true that suicide is forbidden according to Jewish law?

True, according to the Jewish law, a person is not allowed to take his own life. But I don't like this question, because it expresses the negation, and it presents Judaism as a force whose role is only to impose discipline

Rav Yoni Rosensweig | 29.08.23

Bereaved Kindergarten Children

Sivan Rahav-Meir: From today there are also bereaved kindergarten children

They called her "Bat Sheva" because her parents waited seven years until she was born. She herself also waited years for her own children, and then she brought into her and her husband Eli's home two foster daughters

Sivan Rahav-Meir | 22.08.23

True Emotional Freedom

Sivan Rahav-Meir: Why not hate the person responsible for this?

Do not remain enslaved to negative emotions. All this does not mean that you should love them, but you should learn to get out of this ordeal. To rebuild life, as free people

Sivan Rahav-Meir | 21.08.23

Using WhatsApp

The Ten Commandments for WhatsApp messaging.

Don't call randomly on WhatsApp, especially not with video, and don't expect an immediate response to your message. Or Yizraeli with the Ten Commandments for WhatsApp messaging

Or Yizraeli | 08.08.23

Tu B'Av Special: Marine Love

Monogamy at its best: about love and relationships underwater

Tu B'Av is a wonderful opportunity to dive into the depths and discover the wonders of romance among marine creatures | Underwater inspiration

Dr. Asaf Ariel | 02.08.23