Avi Maoz

Hostage Deal, Maoz's Expectation
Avi Maoz: I Expect Netanyahu to Commit to Two Things

The Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, Avi Maoz, attacks the deal that appears to be a prisoner exchange: "Excessive risk for our soldiers and a serious loss of our deterrent power in the area."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 21.11.23

Israel-Gaza War

MK Avi Maoz Diverts His Office's Funds Towards the War Effort

This step by the Deputy Minister comes after days of criticism over money being spent on non-war related issues.

| JFeed | 25.10.23

Student Protest

Students broke into the Ministry of Education: 6 protesters were arrested

Six demonstrators from the student protest were arrested at the Ministry of Education in Jerusalem on suspicion of disorderly conduct. They chained themselves and glued their bodies to the floor at the entrance to Minister Yoav Kisch's office. The student protest: "Kisch against the teachers"

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 31.08.23