Aliza Bloch

The Likud Criticizes Bloch
After the attack: the Likud in Beit Shemesh against Aliza Bloch

Against the backdrop of the attack against Aliza Bloch in Beit Shemesh, the local Likud branch condemns the incident but points an accusatory finger towards the city's mayor. According to them, "She attempted to avoid confrontation with the zealots despite the harm they caused"

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 30.08.23

Riots in Beit Shemesh

Haredim attacked Beit Shemesh mayor Aliza Bloch

Hundreds rioted and caused a violent disturbance tonight in Beit Shemesh due to the mayor's visit to the place, the rioters threw stones at the police forces, a policeman was wounded in the head and additional police forces were called to the scene

JFeed | 30.08.23

Violence Against Public Officials

Haim Bibas: "This dangerous phenomenon needs to be stopped immediately"

The leader of the Federation of Local Authorities, Haim Bibas, responds to the cases of violence against public officials in local authorities: "We must not allow extremists and violent individuals to harm the heads of authorities and officials"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 30.08.23