Hezbollah war, Israel-Lebanon-Iran

Report: This is the likelihood of War with Hezbollah

Former Mossad senior official David Elam addresses the possibility of war in the north, stating that neither Nasrallah nor Hezbollah are interested in it. He also remarked, "The American government is displaying hints that are also evident in negotiations."

Nuclear missiles (photo: Bordovski Yauheni/shutterstock)

Elam, formerly a senior figure in the Mossad, discusses escalating tensions in the north and the potential for full-scale war against Hezbollah, noting that Nasrallah is the last one interested in a conflict with Israel due to the organization's difficult economic situation and waning public legitimacy.

In an interview with Radio 103FM, Elam said, "The Americans repeatedly reveal signs, although I don't think they are anti-Israel. Biden is a man with his heart in the right place, but the government is deluded in understanding the current situation, living in a completely utopian system. Biden's famous 'Don't' to the Iranians did not faze them in the least. They attacked, and the American response was condolences on Ra'isi's death. The American government is revealing a recurring and changing pattern that also appears in negotiations that take place."

"Whenever Hamas does not accept the Israeli position, we are forced to step back two more steps. It is difficult for me to envision a situation where Hamas will allow us to succeed within such an agreement or another without changing the Philadelphia axis."

He continued, "I can guess when America is weak; the axis strengthens. This conflict is very significant. I saw Biden's performance in Atlanta, where he was different. It was excellent. The same team that advised him to go to the confrontation is precisely the team that shapes America's policy."

"The Lebanese story is interesting. All four main players, the United States, Lebanon, Hezbollah, and Israel, do not want war. The one who least wants war is Nasrallah, who is entering a difficult situation, both economically and in terms of legitimacy from Lebanon itself. He certainly does not want to sacrifice the Shiite community on the Sunni altar, which he despises."

According to him, "All four players do not want war, and it's enough for a lost missile to cause names in Israel, and we are in a different situation," Elam clarified. "Nasrallah is waiting for a moment when Sinwar will sign an agreement. I think they are passing on the message to sign. Even if it does not happen, the chance for a full-scale war decreases compared to the chance of an arrangement. Is the arrangement good for Israel based on the current situation? That is another question."


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Lebanon, Hezbollah

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Lebanon, Hezbollah

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Israel-Gaza War, Lebanon, Hezbollah

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Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah

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Lebanon, Hezbollah

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