FM Katz on IAEA resolution holding Iran to international obligations: "The free world must stop Iran now – before it's too late"June 5, 2024•Avi Woolf
Report: Explosive projectile detonates in Hurfeish soccer field, multiple injuriesJune 5, 2024•JFeed Staff
Defense Minister Gallant: Hamas only responds to force, so we will intensify our actionsJune 5, 2024•Avi Woolf
Tel Aviv District Court: Al-Jazeera closure limited to one month, with no option for renewalJune 5, 2024•JFeed Staff
Netanyahu responds to criticism for not including Kiryat Shmonah mayor in tour of northJune 5, 2024•Avi Woolf
Switzerland rejects proposal to recognize Palestinian state, saying the time hasn't comeJune 5, 2024•Avi Woolf
A northern war in the fall? Government approves callup of up to 350,000 reservistsJune 5, 2024•Avi Woolf
For the first time in centuries: A tefillin-clad Jew walks on the Temple MountJune 5, 2024•Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff