Maersk CEO Says Unclear If Safe Passage in Red Sea Will Take Days - Or MonthsJanuary 11, 2024•Avi Woolf
Israeli Artists to Hold 24 Hour Rally Marking 100 Days of Captivity for the HostagesJanuary 11, 2024•Avi Woolf
"Watch This Space": US-Led Coalition Considering Striking Back at Houthis Blockading Red SeaJanuary 11, 2024•Avi Woolf
The Shooting Resumes: 2 Anti-Tank Missiles Fired from Lebanon, no Casualties ReportedJanuary 11, 2024•JFeed Staff
Before Hearings Begin: The Families of the Abductees Protested in The Hague | Watch:January 11, 2024•Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff
The IDF Reveals: The Documentation of the Tunnel Where the Abductees were Held in GazaJanuary 11, 2024•Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff
Watch the Debate: South Africa vs. Israel at the Hague TribunalJanuary 11, 2024•Yair Amar, JFeed Staff
Netanyahu Assures the World: "We Will Not Expel Gaza Residents"January 11, 2024•Chani Edri, JFeed Staff