IDF Spokesperson discusses Charedi draft, Iranian drone attackApril 1, 2024•Uriel Be'eri, Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff
Netanyahu on the "Al-Jazeera Law" allowing the channel to be banned: "The terror channel will broadcast in Israel no more"April 1, 2024•Yair Amar, JFeed Staff
Watch: Footage from the strike in Syria, meters from the Iranian embassyApril 1, 2024•Yair Amar, JFeed Staff
Stabbing victim from Gan Yavneh attack in life-threatening dangerApril 1, 2024•Eliyahu Luksenberg, JFeed Staff
Watch: Police officer eliminates terrorist trying to commit stabbing attacksApril 1, 2024•JFeed Staff
Released for publication: drone launched from Iraq strikes Eilat buildingApril 1, 2024•Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff
Shifa Hospital operation comes to a close after two weeks of fightingApril 1, 2024•Oz Israel Schwartz, JFeed Staff