Pilgrimage To The Temple Mount

Pilgrims and detainees records: these are the figures for the pilgrims to the Temple Mount during the holiday

The organization 'Beyadenu' for the Temple Mount notes with satisfaction that the number of immigrants to the Temple Mount has increased significantly, however the number of those arrested and detained also increased during the right-wing government

(Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash90.)

Record of Jewish ascent to the Temple Mount. About 5,781 Jews ascended the mountain during Sukkot, 4,447 Jews ascended the mountain during Sukkot of the former Year, and 3,597 Jews ascended the mountain during the year before, as reported by the organization 'Beyadenu' for the sake of the Temple Mount.

However, the organization says that in recent days a negative record has also been recorded, when precisely in the right-wing government of the year 2015, approximately 80 Jews were arrested and detained for a variety of issues: prostration, praying aloud, taking lulav, singing in public, and more.

About 15 Jews were even removed from the Temple Mount in an administrative procedure. This is in contrast to the year 2015 when only 10 immigrants were arrested and detained, as well as in 2015, between 5-10 were arrested and detained.

Tom Nisani, CEO of 'Beyadenu' for the Temple Mount, said that "the number of pilgrims to the Mount managed to surprise me as well. Records that have never been seen before continue to be broken, while at the same time the records of delays in arrests and removals under Minister Ben-Gvir. We will continue to rise and demand our rights."

Yesterday (Wednesday), the Chairman of the Finance Committee, Member of Knesset Moshe Gafni, called for the Temple Mount to be closed to Jewish immigration. In a short message published on his behalf, Gafni wrote: "The ascent to the Temple Mount involves a severe prohibition, it hurts my heart that 3,000 Jews violated This severe prohibition and went up to the Temple Mount."

"We have no part with them," added Gafni sharply, and signed: "We demand that the Temple Mount be closed to Jews."

Sukkot Ascent to the Temple Mount The Temple Mount Pilgrimage to the Temple Mount Moshe Gafni Tom Nisani 'Beyadenu'


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