Zelenskyy Will Meet with the Rabbis

For the first time in the war: Zelenskyy will meet with the rabbis of Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will meet with rabbis and leaders of the Jewish communities in Ukraine, as well as Chabad emissaries in the country. This marks the first meeting between the president and the leaders of the Jewish community in his country since the beginning of the war in Ukraine

Zelenskyy and the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine. Archive (photo: Chief Rabbinate of Ukraine)

Moments before Rosh Hashanah: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will meet today (Thursday) in Kyiv with rabbis, leaders of the Jewish communities in Ukraine, and Chabad emissaries in the country. The meeting is organized by Chabad emissaries and the Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Ukraine, Rabbi Meir Stambler, and his deputy, Rabbi Raphael Rotman.

This will be Zelenskyy's first meeting with the rabbis and leaders of the Jewish community in his country since the beginning of the war in Ukraine in February 2022. The Federation of Jewish Communities mentioned that they maintain a close connection with the president and even presented him with a Psalms book translated into Ukrainian, engraved with his name. In addition, the federation sent Zelenskyy matzot (unleavened bread) before the Passover Seder this year.

"We thank the president for sparing his time to meet with us," said Rabbi Stambler. "We look forward to meeting him ahead of the New Year, to make it clear that the Jewish community supports him in the fight for justice and truth."

Ukraine Jewish community Volodymyr Zelenskyy War in Ukraine


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