Israel-Gaza War, Humanitarian Aid

Reuters: Armed Service Committee Chairman demands Gaza pier be dismantled

According to Rogers, the pier has proven to be ineffective, risky, and a waste of hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money.

US Congressman Mike Rogers. (Photo: US House of Representatives)

US House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers has written a letter to the Biden administration demanding that the temporary pier off Gaza meant to help provide Gazan civilians with aid be shut down, according to a Reuters report.

In his letter, Rogers noted that the pier was risky, ineffective, and a waste of money, having already cost the American taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars.

The pier has been fraught with difficulties from the start, often breaking apart or suffering instability due to bad weather, with parts landing near the sort further north in Israel. Most humanitarian aid still comes by land and the main challenge aid organizations face is not the aid itself, but safely distributing it.

Nevertheless, the Biden administration and Israel have been strongly in favor of the effort, though they will have to respond to Rogers' letter and explain why they insist on maintaining the project.

US Aid Port Humanitarian aid Operation Swords of Iron


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