Israel-Gaza War

Army Radio: Gallant not informed of IDF decision on humanitarian pause

According to Army Radio reporter Doron Kadosh, Defense Minister was not informed and did not approve of the decision to announce an 11-hour tactical pause to ensure the flow humanitarian aid in the southern Gaza Strip.

Was not informed of IDF decision. Defense Minister Gallant. (Photo: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

Today (Sunday), the IDF Spokesperson in English announced a "local, tactical pause" of 11 hours in the southern Gaza Strip, only to reverse itself and say nothing has substantially changed in IDF policy.

According to Army Radio reporter Doron Kadosh, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant was not informed of this decision and therefore did not approve it. Sources near him criticized the timing of the announcement just after the report of the death of eight soldiers in Gaza, as well as its announcement before checking in with the Defense Minister first.

Gallant is now set to be officially presented with the proposal for a pause, which he is expected to approve.

Yoav Gallant Humanitarian aid Operation Swords of Iron IDF Hamas


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