
Iranian leader on assassination of top general: Israel will regret its crimes

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei responded to the attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria in which 7 commanders and officers of the Revolutionary Guards were killed, and threatened that "the evil regime will receive its punishment through our brave people, and Israel will regret its crime."

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei (Photo: Shutterstock)

The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, responded to Monday's airstrike on its embassy in Syria, in which the commander of the Quds Force in Syria and Lebanon, Mohammad Reza Zahedi and six other IRGC officers were killed. Khamenei accused Israel for the attack and pledged a respnse.

"Our martyrs received the sign of acceptance from God at the end of their long struggle, and now they are blessed by His grace," Khamenei said of the seven dead. "The evil regime will receive its punishment through our brave people, and Israel will regret its crime. We will make them regret it."

At the same time, Khamenei's adviser claimed that the US is also responsible for the attack, saying that "the Americans bear responsibility, whether they were aware of the attack in real time or not." This was after the US conveyed a message to Iran that it was not involved in any way in the attack, and did not know that the target was the Iranian embassy in Damascus.

Earlier today, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi responded to the assassination, saying that: "the Israeli attack on the consulate in Damascus will not go unanswered. The Zionist enemy should know that they will not achieve their goals. The resistance front is getting stronger in terms of its strength and also in terms of its hatred towards the enemy."

Iran IRGC IDF Attack in Syria


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