Israel-Gaza War

Foreign Minister Heads to UN Conference in New York

Accompanied by families of captives, Foreign Minster Eli Cohen headed to the UN to raise international awareness of the state of captives in Gaza.

(Photo: Oren Ben Hakun/Flash90)

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen set out tonight (Monday) to a conference of foreign ministers at the UN Security Council in New York discussing the war between Israel and Hamas.

The Foreign Minister will be accompanied by families of captives, and he will conduct meetings and events with them in order to raise international awareness of their intolerable state and strengthen the call to immediately release all captives being held by the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip.

Earlier, it was reported that there are 50 captives with dual citizenship being released with the aid of Qatari intervention.

Operation Swords of Iron United Nations Hamas Captives Ministry of Foreign Affairs Eli Cohen


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