Israel war, Hamas, terrorism, West Bank

IDF releases name of soldier killed in Tulkarem earlier today

IDF reports soldier's death from roadside bomb in West Bank's Nur Shams. The military announced that one Israeli soldier was killed and another seriously injured by a roadside bomb in the West Bank's Nur Shams refugee camp today.

Funeral ceremony of IDF soldier (Photo by Flash90)

The soldier who was killed is identified as Sergeant First Class (reserve) Yehuda Geto, aged 22, who was a combat driver and hails from Pardes Hanna-Karkur.

The bomb detonated as the two soldiers were situated within a Panther armoured personnel carrier (APC). Geto was driving, with the seriously injured soldier being a commander in the Duvdevan commando unit.

Based on an initial IDF investigation, the army did not suspect that explosive devices had been placed in the area of Nur Shams where the vehicle was parked. Additional Duvdevan soldiers had exited the APC in order to conduct a mission on foot.

The big explosion caused the APC to be out of commission and was later removed from Nur Shams. The IDF thinks the bomb was made on the spot, utilizing many kilograms of explosives.

While trying to rescue the two soldiers, the IDF made an effort to launch a drone attack on a group of gunmen in the vicinity, but the missile failed to detonate, according to the investigation.

Afterwards, a group of armed individuals tried to interfere with the missile, resulting in an explosion that tragically took the life of a Palestinian woman standing close by, as per the military investigation.

According to the IDF, a Palestinian gunman who attempted to open fire on the troops was killed by Duvdevan soldiers separately.

The health ministry of the Palestinian Authority also confirmed the deaths of a woman and a child in Nur Shams.

The event occurred shortly after a comparable assault in the Jenin region, where a soldier was killed and 16 individuals were injured after Palestinian Islamic Jihad members set off bombs on military vehicles during a mission.

Operation Swords of Iron Hamas IDF Israel at war Terrorism Tulkarm


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