
Tulkarm, Ambush
BREAKING: Attack near Tulkarm: an aircraft ambushes terrorists

The terrorists were attacked while planting cargo.

Avi Nachmani | 02.07.24

Israel war, Hamas, terrorism, West Bank

IDF releases name of soldier killed in Tulkarem earlier today

IDF reports soldier's death from roadside bomb in West Bank's Nur Shams. The military announced that one Israeli soldier was killed and another seriously injured by a roadside bomb in the West Bank's Nur Shams refugee camp today.

Eliana Fleming | 01.07.24

IDF Gaza operation, Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Report: Member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) eliminated in Gaza

An Israeli drone targeted a house in the Nour al-Shams refugee camp. The targeting the  commander of the Tulkarm Battalion, Abu Shuja'a, who has been wanted by the IDF for some time. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 30.06.24

IDF, Heroism

Courageous IDF operative risks everything to rescue teammate

IDF hero risked his life to save his teammate. He plans to return to active duty as soon as he has recovered.

Gila Isaacson | 26.06.24

Terrorism, Judea and Samaria

Watch: Israel completes Tulkarm operation; three bomb labs destroyed

During the operation, the IDF killed an armed terrorist and arrested another six suspects. Dozens of weapons parts were also seized.

Avi Woolf | 07.05.24

Tulkarm, Terrorism

Fire from the window and breaching the door: watch the operation to take down a Tulkarm terrorist

The Israel Police released helmet camera footage of an operation to take out a senior terrorist involved in shooting attacks on soldiers and Israeli settlements.

JFeed Staff | 18.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Judea and Samaria

Over 400 Explosive Devices: IDF Sums Up Operation in Tulkarm

The IDF has now wrapped up a 45-hour operation in the city of Tulkarm. The forces destroyed over 400 explosive devices and five laboratories, confiscated weapons and arrested over 37 suspects.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 19.01.24

Israel At War, Tulkarm Camp

35 Hours of Combat in the Tulkarm Refugee Camp | Watch:

IDF forces conducted a counter-terrorism operation lasting over 35 hours in the Tulkarm refugee camp. So far, at least eight terrorists have been eliminated, 15 suspects apprehended, and dozens of explosive devices destroyed. Watch:

JFeed Staff | 18.01.24

Israel At War

6 Terrorists were Eliminated in an Airstrike in Tulkarm

During a night activity of the Menasha Brigade in the Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarem, a terrorist squad that attacked the fighters with explosives was eliminated from the air.

JFeed Staff | 27.12.23

A Terrorist Was Caught

Watch: A Terrorist Tried to Escape in an Ambulance and was Caught

During an operation to eliminate terrorists in Tulkarm, Border Guard fighters arrested a wanted person who tried to escape from the forces under the cover of an ambulance, and eliminated armed terrorists.

JFeed | 14.11.23

Israel At War - Tulkarm

The operation in Tulkarm: seven terrorists were eliminated in 15 hours

The IDF forces operated in the Tulkarm refugee camp for about 15 hours, during which 7 terrorists were killed, an explosives laboratory was destroyed, and dozens of explosives were uncovered on the roads by the forces.

JFeed | 14.11.23

Israel At War

Documentation: The IDF eliminated a terrorist cell in Tulkarm from the air

IDF forces continue to operate with increased force also in Judea and Samaria, a terrorist squad in Tulkarm fired at our forces and was eliminated from the air

Simcha Raz, JFeed Staff | 14.11.23

"No Less Than A Miracle"

"No less than a miracle": a Border Police soldier who was injured was transferred to recovery

The fighter who was injured during a night operation carried out by the IDF in Tulkarm underwent a 6-hour operation and upon completion was transferred to a recovery room. Later, the fighter is expected to be hospitalized in a general intensive care unit

JFeed | 05.10.23

"We Came Under Intense Fire"

Sayeret (Special Forces) Warrior recalls: "We came under intense fire."

A soldier in the Golani Sayeret described the incident in the refugee camp in Tulkarm: "They opened fire on us and we neutralized the threat." Meir Hospital stated: "We have stabilized the condition of the mortally wounded, he will need additional surgeries"

JFeed | 05.10.23

"I Strengthen the Security Forces"

Herzog: I strengthen the security forces in anti-terrorist activities

The President of the country, Isaac Herzog, sent speedy recovery wishes to the wounded in the incident in Tulkarm, where five soldiers were injured. From Beilinson Hospital, it was reported that there is a danger to the life of one of the soldiers

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 05.10.23

The Division Commander Arrived at the Scene

Documentation: The Judea and Samaria division commander arrived at the scene where the terrorists were neutralized

The commander of the Judea and Samaria Division, Lieutenant Colonel Avi Blot, arrived at the scene in Tulkarm where five IDF soldiers from the Border Police were injured. They conducted an initial investigation into the circumstances of the incident

JFeed | 05.10.23

"Iran is Responsible for the Terrorism"

Netanyahu: "Iran is directly responsible for the wave of terrorism in Judea and Samaria"

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu sent get-well wishes to the soldiers injured in the incident in TulKarm and pointed an accusing finger at Iran. Leader of HaMachane HaMamlachti, Benny Gantz, stated, "We will pursue the terrorists everywhere"

Bentzi Rubin, Liran Vainshtain, JFeed | 05.10.23

Exchange of Fire

During the activity of the security forces: exchange of fire in the Tulkarm refugee camp

Exchange of fire with terrorists occurred during the security forces' operation in the Tulkarm refugee camp, in addition to explosive devices that were thrown at the forces

JFeed | 05.10.23

An Arrest In Tulkarm

Yamam fighters operated in Tulkarm. One wanted person was arrested

Yamam fighters entered into a special activity in the Nur Shams refugee camp during which they arrested a suspect wanted for terrorist activity. IDF and Shin Bet forces also participated in the activity and no casualties were recorded for our forces

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 03.10.23

Exchange of Fire in Tulkarm

The IDF operated in the Tulkarm area. Approximately 5 militants were injured in the exchange of fire

An IDF force entered the refugee camp of Tulkarm and engaged in an exchange of fire with the armed men there. According to Arab reports, no arrests were made, but as a result of the shooting, about 5 terrorists were injured

JFeed | 27.08.23