IDF Gaza operation, Palestinian Islamic Jihad

Report: Member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) eliminated in Gaza

An Israeli drone targeted a house in the Nour al-Shams refugee camp. The targeting the  commander of the Tulkarm Battalion, Abu Shuja'a, who has been wanted by the IDF for some time. 

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror militants (Photo: Anas-Mohammed/shutterstock)

An Air Force aircraft fired towards a house in the Nour al-Shams camp near Tulkarm. There are several casualties at the scene with one killed and another 5 injured.

According to reports in the Palestinian media, the target of the attack is Abu Shuja'a, the commander of the Tulkarm Battalion, who has been a target of the Shin Bet and IDF for a long period. The house attacked belongs to the uncle of the terrorist, Muhammad Jaber (Abu Shuja'a), commander of the local Palestinian Islamic Jihad wing according to Belaaz news reports.

The IDF confirms the attack, with media reports later confirming the death of Saeed Jaber, also a PIJ terror member in the Tulkarm area.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Hamas Operation Swords of Iron Israel-Gaza war Gaza Tulkarm


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