Politics, Crime

Smoke grenade found in planned protest area near PM residence

During security sweeps in the area of the Prime Minister's Residence in preparation for planned protests in the area, police officers found a grenade with a fuse.

Grenade. Illustration. (Photo: Defense Minister Spokesperson and Public Relations Division)

During security sweeps in the area of the Prime Minister's Residence in preparation for planned protests in the area, police officers found a grenade with a fuse.

The Israel Police said that the grenade was an improvised device and had been hidden in the protest area. Bomb squad officers arrived on the scene, who determined the grenade to be a smoke grenade rather than an explosive one. It was then dismantled.

The discovery of this weapon is yet another escalation in the efforts of the protestors and their willingness to engage in increasingly violent methods to serve their aims.

Binyamin Netanyahu Protests Politics


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