Internal threats, espionage

Shocking: Beit Shemesh man arrested for spying for Iran

This morning, A religious Jew living in Ramat Beit Shemesh has been detained for espionage under suspicion he was allegedly spying for Iran. 

Satellite target used by espionage groups (photo: - Yuri A/shutterstock)

Surprise hits Beit Shemesh as chassid detained for suspected espionage on behalf of Iran.

A 24-year-old chassidic avreich residing in Ramat Beit Shemesh Daled was taken into custody late Wednesday night on suspicion of participating in a severe espionage situation related to Iran.

Based on what the neighbours said, a significant amount of police officers stormed into his house on Thursday morning, apprehending him and bringing him in for questioning.

He appeared in court on Thursday afternoon for a prolongation of his detainment.

The neighbours, who were stunned, told Chareidi news sources that they believe there must be a misunderstanding because the suspect is a respected avreich from a prominent family. One resident informed Chareidim10 that the chassid is skilled in computer technology and may have been employed by an individual connected to Iran without being aware of it.

Israel Mossad Intelligence Division Shin Bet Jerusalem Iran


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