Israel-Gaza War, October 7 Attack, Politics

Report: 72% of Israelis believe that internal rifts led to October 7 attack

The index revealed the government as the most divisive factor, while the Supreme Court emerged as the least contentious.

Police clash with Israelis during a protest against the judicial overhaul, outside the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem. February 13, 2023. (Photo by Jamal Awad/Flash90)

In a startling revelation that has sent shockwaves through Israeli society, a recent study by The Menomadin Center for Jewish and Democratic Law at Bar Ilan University has exposed a deep-seated belief among Israelis that their own internal divisions may have paved the way for tragedy. An overwhelming 72% of respondents believe that the heightened social discord preceding the October 7th Hamas attacks increased the likelihood of this devastating event.

As reported by JPost, this stark statistic paints a picture of a nation grappling with the consequences of its own fragmentation. In the months leading up to that fateful day, Israel was a powder keg of tension, with heated debates over judicial reform threatening to tear the fabric of society apart. The study's findings suggest that these fissures may have weakened the nation's defenses in ways no one could have anticipated.

Ironically, while the Supreme Court reforms were at the center of pre-attack controversies, the study reveals that the government itself emerged as the most divisive factor in Israeli society.

Yet, amidst the soul-searching and the harsh reality that our infighting and internal discord may have led to one of Israel's greatest tragedies since its inception, there is also hope. The study indicates a marked increase in optimism regarding the possibility of bridging societal divides. Compared to previous years, more Israelis now believe in the potential for broad agreements between right and left, religious and secular, Sephardi and Ashkenazi communities. Even on the contentious issue of the Supreme Court's status, there's a growing belief in the possibility of consensus.

As Israel continues to grapple with the aftermath of October 7th, these findings serve as both a warning and a call to action. They remind us of the profound impact that internal discord can have on national security and social resilience. But they also offer a pathway forward, suggesting that in the crucible of tragedy, Israelis may have found a renewed commitment to unity and understanding.

The road ahead is long and fraught with challenges, but if this study is any indication, the Israeli people are ready to confront their divisions head-on, determined to forge a stronger, more united nation from the ashes of conflict.

Israel-Gaza war


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