Israel-Gaza War, United States

Axios: Bomb shipment delay led to broader delays in weapons deliveries to Israel

In addition to ire over Prime Minister Netanyahu's public criticism, other causes led to the US delaying weapons shipments, as well.

Israel and the United States. (Photo: hodim/Shutterstock)

The United States and Israel have largely resolved issues over weapons shipments deliveries, with the exception of one shipment of 2,000 pound bombs which is still "under review," according to Axios reporter Barak Ravid.

According to Ravid, a thorough review of past shipments shows that delays occurred in part due to changing Israeli fighting methods and in part due to bureaucratic foot-dragging, as shipments were often missprioritized or forced to go through long review processes.

Senior US officials said that some of those responsible for signing off on weapons shipments may have interpreted the hold on the 2,000 pound bomb shipment as a guidance to force other shipments to go through longer review.

Despite the ire of the administration at Prime Minister Netanyahu's public criticism of the delays, most of the issues appear to have been resolved, with the exception of the 2,000 pound bomb shipment which is being delayed "as a matter of policy."

United States Defense Aid Operation Swords of Iron


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