Israel-Gaza War

Jordanian FM: We won't clean up after Netanyahu in Gaza

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi stated that his country would not join any multinational force to replace Hamas in the Gaza Strip following an IDF evacuation.

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi. (Photo: US State Department)

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said that "we will not clean up after Netanyahu and we will not send forces to the Gaza Strip to replace Israeli occupation forces" according to Kann 11 reporter Roi Kais.

Safadi said that he would not agree that "we be the ones to deal with the catastrophic situation created by Netanyahu and his government."

He also stated that "what we want is a general plan not only for ending the war in Gaza, but a general, just, and lasting solution (for the Palestinian issue)."

Egypt also signaled its unwillingness to provide forces for a multinational security team at the end of the war for more than a temporary basis at a recent conference of regional security chiefs attended by the head of US Central Command.

Jordan Gaza Hamas Binyamin Netanyahu Operation Swords of Iron


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