Israeli-Arab tensions, Beit Shean violence

Beit Shean resident: Arab women beat me - it's scary to walk in my neighborhood

Orian Tuito, 27, and a mother of 3, tells Arutz 7 about the violence she suffered from Arab women in the city.

Israeli police (Photo: Roman Yanushevsky/Shutterstock)

In a conversation with Arutz 7, Orian Tuito, 27, a resident of Beit Shean and mother of three, described how she was attacked by Arab women yesterday (Wednesday). An Arab man also stole and smashed her phone: "Around 11:30 pm, I saw a group of Arabs standing under the buildings, shouting at Jews, 'We will tear you apart' and then they began throwing stones. The Arabs had been making noise, and when asked quiet down, they didn't comply, leading to a police call. Enraged, they yelled, 'Who called the police? We will tear you apart,' she recounted.

"I called the police", she continued, "and reported that I saw an incident that did not look good. While I was reporting to them, the Arabs started beating the Jews mercilessly."

At this point she decided to record what was happening. "As soon as I started taking pictures, a group of Arab women attacked me, beat me and pushed me. I later I found my phone smashed on the floor. I was so scared. The boys who were there were taken to the hospital, one of them with a broken nose."

This evening (Thursday), the residents of the Jewish neighborhood intend to demonstrate. "We will stand firm and show the enemy who the landlord is", the organizers wrote.

Israeli Arabs Beit She'an


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