Left-wing protests, Jerusalem

Violent protests erupted in Jerusalem

Last night, left-wing demonstrators proceeded to cause chaos on Azza street in Jerusalem. Police lost control as swarms of protestors broke through barriers near the home of the Prime Minister. 

Demonstrations in Israel (Photo: Gili Yaari/Flash90)

In an Israeli police statement made last night it was stated that hundreds of protestors clashed with police outside the Prime Ministers residence. The demonstration became violent after protestors forced themselves through police barricades set up to allow for the legal protest to take place in a designated area.

After disobeying police instructions as well as breaching the legal agreement of the protests location the demonstration became both illegal and violent. Police were attacked, fences and barricades were broken through, and fires were set in the middle of the road. The escalation in public disorder meant that police had to remove people by force, using crowd control measures to disperse the crowd and bring back control of the chaotic situation.

Nine disrupting individuals were arrested for assaulting officers and starting fires. Several officers were lightly injured by the violent protestors and police forces remained in the area till the late hours of the night to restore order after the clashes.

"While legal protests and freedom of expression is encouraged in this country, illegal disruptions and violence will not be tolerated," police said.

Binyamin Netanyahu Israel Israel Police Protests Leftist protesters


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