Guy Hochman, Coldplay

Israeli Comedian Guy Hochman breaks his rib while attempting to jump onto the stage at a Coldplay concert

Chris Martin stops the concert after Guy Hochman injures himself in an attempt to jump onto the stage at the Coldplay concert in Athens.

Chris Martin and Coldplay perform at the inaugural iHeartRadio Music Festival at the MGM Grand Garden Arena. (Photo: Shutterstock/ Brian Friedman)

At Coldplay's Athens show, Israeli comedian Guy Hochman attempted to jump on the stage wrapped in the national flag, but instead fell and broke a rib. Chris Martin, Coldplay's lead singer who has previously visited Israel, immediately stopped the concert to check that Hochman was okay.

In his Instagram post, Hochman hilariously wrote In a post, “Here's the final step, I'll be there soon, smelling [Coldplay lead singer] Chris Martin's sweat."

At the end of the song, "Yellow" Israeli fans chanted “Bring them home”, calling for the return of the 116 people still in Hamas captivity. (Yellow is the color used to symbolize support for the hostages).

Coldplay Israel


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