Israel-Gaza War

The missing sentence from the IDF's drone loss is cause for concern

Every IDF acknowledgement of a downed IDF drone during the war has always contained a note that "there is no fear of a data leak" - until now.

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari. (Screenshot from IDF footage.)

The IDF Spokesperson confirmed a short time ago that the Hezbollah terror organization succeeded in downing an IDF Hermes drone over Lebanese territory. Prima facie, this is yet another laconic acknowledgement of a drone downing as has happened over Gaza and Lebanon.

But contrary to prior statements, this one did not contain the standard disclaimer that "there is no fear of a data leak," which has always followed acknowledgements of loss of drones over enemy skies.

The absence of this statement raises the fear that this time Hezbollah might be able to obtain important intelligence from this drone.

IDF Spokesperson Hezbollah Drones Operation Swords of Iron


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