Israel-Gaza War, UNRWA

US announces $53 million in humanitarian aid to Palestinians - without UNRWA 

The money will go to other aid agencies, including those the Foreign Ministry believes would be good candidates to replace UNRWA, due to the latter's ties with Hamas.

Increasingly cut out of the aid business. UNRWA aid distribution. (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

USAID Administrator Samantha Power announced yesterday (Tuesday) that the United States would be providing $53 million worth of assistance to the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza, stating that the money would be sent to organizations such as the World Food Program.

The statement made no mention of one of the chief aid agencies in Gaza - UNRWA. This is likely due to the increasing allegations and evidence tying the veteran agency to Hamas, as presented by the Israeli government to the United States and other UNRWA-funding countries.

The World Food Program is also one of the main candidates selected by the Foreign Ministry to replace UNRWA as a provider of aid and services to the Palestinian civilian population.

Many countries, including the United States, ended funding for UNRWA when some of its employees were shown to have taken part in the October 7 attack, with many others having significant terrorist ties.

Operation Swords of Iron Hamas UNRWA USAID Humanitarian aid Samatha Power


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