Israel-Gaza War, Northern Front

Watch: Hezbollah rockets fall mere meters from moving car

Passengers in a moving vehicle in the Western Galilee documented some of the projectiles fired by Hezbollah in the early morning hours, which fell mere meters from them. 

Danger: rockets hitting road ahead. (Use according to Section 27a.)

Passengers in an Israeli car documented a rocket salvo fired by Hezbollah at the western Galilee in the early evening hours.

The footage shows rockets exploding on the road between Ma'alot and Nahariyah and passengers of the car driving through the resulting smoke. It should be noted that some of the falls were from previous interceptions.

Hezbollah later announced that it fired a salvo of 20 rockets at the 146th Division HQ in the area. There were no reports of casualties or physical damage.

Watch (use according to Section 27a):

Click here
Hezbollah IDF Operation Swords of Iron Lebanon Rockets


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