Israel-Gaza War, UNRWA

Maariv: At least eight UNRWA employees arrested by Israel due to suspected terror ties

A secret document received by Maariv reveals that the IDF has arrested at least eight UNRWA employees during the course of operations in Gaza.

(Photo: Wisam Hashlamoun/Flash90)

A secret document received by Maariv reveals that UNRWA has appealed to Israel for information on eight employees arrested by IDF forces in the Gaza Strip on suspicion of Hamas ties and involvement in October 7.

According to Israeli sources speaking to Maariv, they have not yet responded to the request by UNRWA and the investigation of the employees, who were arrested at various points during the IDF ground manuever, is ongoing.

The interrogation of the UNRWA employees takes place against a concerted effort by the Israeli government to end UNRWA's function as aid and services provider to Gazans and replacing them with other humanitarian organizations such as the World Food Program.

Several strategic terror tunnels have been found underneath or near UNRWA buildings, including its Gaza headquarters, and many tunnels were found to contain UNRWA sacks. Much of this information was made public by the IDF Spokesperson.

UNRWA Hamas IDF Operation Swords of Iron


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