Israel-Gaza War, Hamas

The Hamas plan that failed due to a "navigation error"

According to a report in the Arab media, Hamas planned to take over the Shikma prison near Ashkelon, allowing hundreds of terrorists to escape. 

Hamas terrorists in Gaza (Photo: Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

The newspaper "A-Sharq Al-Awast", which is published in London, documented one of Hamas' plans during its attack on Oct. 7th, which did not come to fruition due to a "navigation error" by a Nukhba squad consisting of 23 terrorists.

According to the report, Hamas planned to take over the Shikma prison near Ashkelon, releasing hundreds of Palestinian terrorists. According to "sources in the Palestinian factions," the plan failed due to an error.

However, this was not the only plan related to Ashkelon that failed that morning. The newspaper describes another squad that was supposed to invade a military outpost in the Ashkelon Beach Council, take control of it, and then proceed to Shikma Prison, helping the first brigade subdue resistance at the facility.

Operation Swords of Iron Hamas October 7th


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