UNRWA, Betzalel Smotrich, Hamas

Smotrich Delays Grain Shipments to UNRWA, Americans Express Frustration

According to the Finance Minister, the refusal derives from a desire to not recognize UNRWA as a legitimate aid organization due to its ties with Hamas.

(Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

According to Ynet, Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich is trying as much as possible to delay grain and flour shipments meant for UNRWA in the Gaza Strip, and Americans have expressed frustration at this.

Enormous grain shipments sent from the US to Ashdod port during the war, as part of an Israeli agreement to distribute flour in the Strip at the United States’ request, remains stuck in customs.

Sources in the minister’s entourage say Smotrich opposes the grain and flour shipments due to UNRWA's many alleged connections with Hamas, and even considers Hamas and UNRWA to be one and the same.

Senior American officials expressed frustration at Smotrich’s foot dragging, saying that it violates commitments given to President Biden.

Bezalel Smotrich UNRWA Hamas


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