Israel-Gaza War

IDF Shows Massive Hamas Intelligence HQ Discovered Under UNRWA Gaza Headquarters | Watch

The footage, shown Saturday night Israel time, reveals a large base, server farms, blast doors, and assorted weaponry.

(Screenshot of IDF Spokesperson footage.)

The IDF released footage yesterday (Saturday) showing a massive tunnel underneath UNRWA's main Gaza headquarters, including not only caches of weapons but also a server farm serving the terrorist organization's intelligence needs, which leeched power off of UNRWA, as well as blast doors.

UNRWA Director Philippe Lazzarini protested on X/Twitter that his organization had no knowledge of this tunnel system and only learned about it from media reports. However, Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy said that Lazzarini had been invited to tour the tunnel system before the information was made available to the media and refused.

The Israeli government has been working on finding alternative organizations to UNRWA to provide services and aid to Gazans, as it considers UNRWA to be too compromised by Hamas. The top contender for this job per the Foreign Ministry is the World Food Programme, though other organizations are also being considered.

Watch the IDF footage here:

(Source: IDF Spokesperson)
UNRWA Israel-Gaza war IDF Hamas


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