UNRWA, Terrorism

Foreign Minister Katz Instructs Employees Not to Meet with UNRWA Chief

In a post he published on X/Twitter, Minister Katz said that UNRWA Chief Phillipe Lazzarini should resign over the revelations of UNRWA employee involvement in October 7 and that "supporters of terrorism are not welcome here."

"Supporters of terrorism are not welcome here." Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz. (Photo: Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz announced today (Monday) that members of his office would not be meeting with UNRWA Chief Phillipe Lazzarini when he visits on Wednesday.

Katz's decision comes on the heels of revelations by Israel of involvement of a number of UNRWA employees in the October 7 massacre and a far larger number having proven ties to terrorist groups, as reported in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times.

According to Ynet, Minister Katz has instructed embassies in countries that have not yet suspended funding to UNRWA due to the revelations to reconsider and do so.

Katz published his official decision on X/Twitter:

UNRWA October 7th massacre Operation Swords of Iron Yisrael Katz Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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