Israel- Gaza War

The IDF Killed the Commander of the Nukhba Company in Deir al-Balah

The Air Force forces killed Adel Msammah, the commander of Deir al-Balah's Nukhba company who commanded the terrorist forces that raided Kissufim on October 7.

IDF soldiers in Gaza (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

Another achievement in the war in Gaza: an Air Force fighter jet, under the direction of the fire and intelligence of the Gaza Division, killed Adel Msammah, the commander of Deir al-Balah's Nukhba company, tonight (Monday). The IDF said that Msammah commanded in the field the forces of the Nukhba terrorists who raided the Kissufim on October 7 and sent Hamas forces to other settlements in the Otef, including Be'eri and Nirim. After that, Msammah led fighting in the Gaza Strip against IDF forces.

As part of the ground operation in the northern Gaza Strip, the fighters of the Yiftah Brigade Combat Team (11th Brigade) attacked terrorist targets in the Abu al-Ata area in the Shejaiya neighborhood, which is used as a fighting area for the terrorist organization Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. During the operation, the fighters raided the command and control center of the terrorist organizations, when the fighters of the combat team located in the area of the mosque many weapons used by the terrorist organizations.

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In addition, during the activity, a terrorist squad launched a mortar bomb at the fighters and tried to hit them. An Air Force aircraft detected the launch, and under the direction of the 99th Division forces, destroyed the launch position and eliminated the terrorists.

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At the same time, forces of the commando formation identified a terrorist launching rockets during an operation in the Khan Yunis area. The forces directed an Air Force aircraft that attacked and killed the terrorist. It was also reported that during the night the forces of the naval arm attacked Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, and also continued their attacks in order to aid the forces maneuvering in the Strip.

Operation Swords of Iron Hamas elimination elimination of the heads of Hamas IDF Air Force Israel at war Israel-Gaza war Gaza Shejaiya Shuja'iyya Abu al-Ata PIJ Palestinian Islamic Jihad Adel Msammah


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